About MHADegree.org

MHADegree.org was originally launched in 2007 as a comprehensive and free resource for students and aspiring professionals who are interested in earning their master’s degree in health administration (MHA). The purpose of this website is to provide you with all of the information that you need about health administration, including careers, master’s degree programs and education, scholarships and grants, internships,  free classes and much more.

Our goal with all of our sections and articles about healthcare administration  is to provide you with all of the information that you need to make an informed decision about your health administration career – because health administration is a growing field well worth your consideration.

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About a Master’s Degree in Health Administration

If you are considering a master’s degree in health administration, the facts and figures in the health care field show that you are making a very wise career decision. The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the field of medical and health service managers is going to grow by 13% in the next 10 years (2021-2031). This is largely due to the fact that baby boomers are retiring and living longer, and the demand for health care services is increasing rapidly.

Did you know?

– The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that health care is the quickest growth sector in the economy, with about two million more jobs to be created by 2031.

The dedicated staff at MHADegree.org has put together the most comprehensive educational resource online for anyone who is interested in a health administration career, and in earning their MHA. Whatever you would need to know about a health administration career and earning an MHA, you will find it here.

For example, we understand that a critical aspect of your education decision will be which MHA program to attend. That is why we have a long list of the most popular and best MHA programs. We list both online and campus-based master’s degree programs, free online classes, and hybrid MHA programs.

We provide sections and articles on health administration careers, such as 25 Great Job Positions for MHA Degree Grads. We also give you exhaustive resources on where you can find scholarships, grants and internships related to your master’s degree program.

And if you want to just get a quick tune up in some aspect of health administration and related fields, try our 65+ Free Online Healthcare Courses. Also, we understand that some universities offer healthcare administration programs, while others offer healthcare management programs – we help you to learn the difference between them.

We hope you find MHADegree.org to be informative and helpful in your informed decision about the pursuit of an exciting career in health administration.

MHADegree.org strives to provide information on this website that is accurate, complete and timely, but we make no guarantees about the information, the selection of schools, school accreditation status, the availability of or eligibility for financial aid, employment opportunities or education or salary outcomes.

To get in contact with us for updates or anything else, please email here: [email protected].

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